Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Grade 3 - Op Art

Grade 3 artists made Op art collages. They learned about two of the most influential artists of the Op art movement – M.C. Escher and Bridget Riley. They discovered how Op art uses positive and negative space to trick the viewers’ eyes. Their collages also make a play on positive and negative space. They create new shapes in the negative space. They also used organic and geometric shapes in their designs.
Grade 3 artists had to put these collages together very carefully or the optical illusion would not occur!

Sofia 3B

Eman 3B

Yassin 3B

Mayar 3B

Yousif 3B

Yehia 3B

Amina 3B

Al Hassan


Sarah Y. 3C

Hayk 3C

Hamzah 3D

Nazly 3E

Lamyaa 3E

Laila A. 3E

Lily 3E

Nelly 3E

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