Thursday, January 22, 2015

Grade 4 Perspective Ornaments

Grade 4 made these paintings at Christmas time - I just didn't post them yet! Some were not yet finished until after the Christmas vacation.

These paintings show how Grade 4 artists learned to make objects in their paintings appear closer or farther away. They used overlapping, size variations, and place in the paper to make some of the Christmas ornaments appear far away.

Then, to make their ornaments appear round, they added shadows and highlights. They also varied the values of the paint.

Some artists added some interesting finishing touches, too. Can you find them?
Great job, Grade 4!

Mostafa 4A

Omar Saad 4A

Ismail 4A


Natalie 4A

Mane 4A

Salma 4A

Joud 4A

Layla Osman 4C

Laila el Seify 4C

Maryam B. 4C

Daniella 4C

Mohamed Mohamed 4C

Mariam el Shimi 4C

Tala 4C

Sarah H. 4C

Rana 4C

Hamza 4C

Omar 4C

Junal 4C